A disclaimer serves to outline agreed-upon terms and conditions, either as part of a contract or to communicate warnings or expectations to the general public or a specific group. This is done to fulfill a duty of care aimed at preventing unreasonable risk of harm or injury. Some disclaimers aim to limit exposure to damages after harm has occurred, and certain types may involve a voluntary waiver of rights or obligations owed to the disclaimant.

Disclaimers exhibit variability in terms of their uniformity. Some may vary based on specific contexts and parties involved, while others strictly adhere to an established set of formalities, rarely or never modified except under official authority.

Website Disclaimer:


    • No Warranties: The information on this website, provided by Child Care India Trust, is for general informational purposes only. While efforts are made to keep the information up to date and accurate, no representations or warranties, whether express or implied, are made regarding the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability of the website’s content for any purpose.
    • Limitations of Liability: Child Care India Trust will not be liable for any loss or damage, including indirect or consequential loss or damage, arising from the use of this website. This includes loss of data or profits.
    • Exceptions: Through this website, links to other websites not under the control of Child Care India Trust may be encountered. The Trust has no control over the nature, content, and availability of those sites. Inclusion of any links does not imply a recommendation or endorsement of the views expressed within them.
    • Reasonableness: While every effort is made to keep the website running smoothly, Child Care India Trust takes no responsibility for the temporary unavailability of the website due to technical issues beyond our control.

This website disclaimer covers the points mentioned and is subject to periodic updates. Your use of this website implies acceptance of the terms outlined herein.