Urgent Support Needed for Baby Shilpa – Premature Baby Care Fund

Urgent Support Needed for Baby Shilpa – Premature Baby Care Fund

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Donation Total: ₹1.00


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We are reaching out to you with an urgent plea for support. Baby Shilpa, born prematurely, is fighting for her life in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Shilpa’s premature birth has presented numerous challenges, and she requires specialized medical attention and care to survive and thrive.

As her parents navigate this difficult time, they are burdened not only emotionally but also financially. The medical expenses associated with Shilpa’s care are substantial and continue to mount each day.

We are appealing to your kindness and generosity to help alleviate some of the financial strain on Shilpa’s family during this critical time. Your donation, no matter the size, will directly contribute to covering medical bills, essential supplies, and other expenses related to Shilpa’s care.

Let’s come together as a community to offer Baby Shilpa the fighting chance she deserves. Your support will make a world of difference in her journey to health and happiness.





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